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Article : Human Base, AI Base

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Added on : 2024-05-16

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What is MasteredNow

MasteredNow Quickly have your music optimized for YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, TikTok, and many more platforms.

Every second, 60,000 tracks are streamed on Spotify.
Stand out from the throng and make each note count with our private mastery arsenal.

Uses of MasteredNow

  1. Open your MasteredNow account and log in.
  2. Put your audio files online.
  3. Decide which platforms you want your music to be optimized for.
  4. Select the mastering profile you want.
  5. Preview and edit as necessary.
  6. Make the mastering service payment.
  7. Get your music files optimized.

Features of MasteredNow

  • Enhanced The first Intelligent EQ
  • Normalization of automatic loudness
  • Infinite changes
  • broad support for file formats
  • wide range of profiles
  • Processing that is quick and effective
  • Reasonable prices without any extra charges or subscriptions

FAQ of MasteredNow


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